
Thursday, June 17, 2010


aaah green.... I figured that since the world is going green so should i.
A lot of events has happened since the last time i came here ( 1'm actually feeling like a stranger in my own house can you beat that??).

i have learnt, or rather still learning to live my life to the fullest irrespective of circumstances & challenges of my everyday adult life. i tell you this is the best discovery of my kidding. of course i cant give myself any credit to that at all, all the credit goes to the Holy Spirit inside of me. He guides, guards, counsels me all the way. if you haven't experienced His power you are missing a whole lot.

Hope to write more this time facebook is taking all of my internet time. maybe i should cut down on my fb time on the net...hmmmmm....naah, no can do. i'm sure i'll work something out but until then its cheerio, facebook beckons lol.